I’ll Miss You, Too, La La Land … The Hipsters While “researching” this “article,” I sent an email to a gay, as in homo, as in homosexual homo-sapien—who I call J’Mo (his first name starts with J and, well, you get the rest). Anyway, I asked him how to tell the difference between a gay […]
In Kathmandu Playing ‘Cat and Mouse’ with A Dastardly Old Hound.
Oh, Lolita! I would like to preface this tattletale by admitting that I took my chances choosing such a provocatively controversial novel—Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. It’s the tale (pun) of a thirty-seven-year-old man (pedophile) obsessed with a twelve-year-young nymphette. Let that be a lesson to me. However, mes cheries! I did give “Almost a Grandfather”—married […]
Nepal: Never-Ending Peace and Love. (Maybe Too Much Love.)
Not sure how I’m going to compact a month in Nepal into one blog, but I ams gonna try … I wasn’t going to blog Nepal. This blog—naughtypotty—is a random collection of dark (shady? sketchy? let’s go with kind of pathetic and too personal) comedy skits in narrative format on a screen, and my time […]
Training for the Annapurna Circuit aka The Build-A-Butt Plan.
Boracay Beach, Philippines Blog Five. As mentioned in a previous Boracay-series blog, I’m here on this relatively flat and tiny isle of paradise as part of my “training for the Himalayas” hike next month. —This just in: Almost Forty Die in Avalanche on the Annapurna Circuit. A moment of sadness and prayers for their loved […]
Vacation Sex: What Happens In Boracay Stays in Boracay (And in This Blog).
Boracay Beach, Philippines Blog Four. I’m at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos “e” Nu Nu Noos with Blue Eyes. Nigis is one of the popular local hangouts for ex-pats and “white” tourists who have left their homes and native lands to travel to this exotic destination rich in culture—if poor in conditions—only to coagulate with their […]
Waning And Waxing aka How Many Aestheticians Does It Take to Wax One Pussy?
Boracay Beach, Philippines Blog Three. Pussy1: Slang for vulva—because technically, anatomically, vagina is only the inside bits. And the next thing I know, there’s another Filipino female (I hope) checking out my Sasquatch Snatch. Sasquatch Snatch: AJ slang for hair pie, which be regular redneck slang for hairy va-jay-jay, which is simple slang for uncoiffed-overgrown-I’ve-been-single-and-celibate-for-over-a-year […]
Headline: Boracay Beach, Philippines—Not (Just) About Dirty Old Men and Young Lady-Boys.
Blog Two In The Boracay Beach, Philippines / Himalayas, Nepal AJ Travels Series. My plan was to come to Boracay to get in shape for my hike in Nepal next month—did I forget to mention that part? Yes? Well, we’ll get to that, just you wait. Where was I? Oh, right—get fit for hike. My […]
CR to Vancouver to Hong Kong to Manila to Caticlan to Jetty … Arrive Boracay Beach, Philippines!
“Rated One Of The Best Beaches In The World.” Did I ever mention I’m not a beach person? Did I ever tell you how I once missed a flight back from Costa Rica by three … (Cough.) … days? True story. I usually manage to get lost, lose luggage or miss flights. I’m anally organized […]
Mexico: Weeks 3 & 4—On Mexican Dime
Friday: Go to the market, get weekly groceries, all organic: $45. Check. Go to bakery. (It’s a given at this point.) Get a fish taco (finally). Check. Go for a ‘Mayan’ massage—basically a hippy-dippy-chakra-balancing-my-heart-centre-hurts-and-my-legs-are-unshaven-prickly-incence-burning session. Nonetheless, afterwards, I feel pretty good even if my fourth chakra still sucks. Saturday: Bus to Mega store for organic […]
Mexico: Week Two—Dog Shit, Horse Shit, Bullshit
Friday: Go to Spanish class mildly hung over from the shenanigans with Montana Man (see Mexico: Week/Weak One post), which is held at the local gringos elementary school with an earthen-floor playground (as in: compacted dirt; as in: open-air outside). My school room is under a large palapa within the confines of la escuela (the […]