Mr./Ms.? How Do You Address A Transgender Person Who Hasn’t Transitioned Yet? Caitlyn Jenner Vanity Fair former Bruce Jenner I didn’t watch the Diane Sawyer interview because I don’t have TV. Also, I only have limited Wi-Fi at home. One of these days, I’ll go to the library and watch it, but for now I […]
I Had a Dream … But You Don’t Have To.
Quick recap: Back in my small town in Canada I was a somebody. I had a high profile career and was very successful at it. After 20 years, many of the last of which were living in burnt out bitterness, I needed to make a change. But, I’d built up such an expectation of excellence […]
And Then There Was One … As in: Me, As in: Single, Single Here! (As in: Sad sigh.)
After taking a FaceBreak for a month, I go back on social media hub central. As I’m not so inclined to browse through a month’s worth of newsfeed for ‘my closest 400+ best friends,’ I simply jump back in mid-stream. Interestingly, it is true that no one does miss you (me) when you (I) leave […]
Daring Greatly with TMI!
I just read Brené Brown’s book, Daring Greatly, which was recommended to me recently and which I’ve been meaning to read for a while. It’s about vulnerability, shame, guilt, connection. Basically, Brown writes that allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is courageous not weak like so many of us seem to think. We all fear vulnerability […]
“We will all look at her differently now. Poor Girl.”
Remember the saying about how what you say Says More About You than who you’re talking about (behind her back, no less)? The title of this blog is a direct quote of one of the (very few) judgemental, critical, superior-attitude, I-think-I’m-better-than-you, probably-bible-thumping, stick-inserted-in-uber-tight-ass email replies that was just forwarded to me by a colleague after […]
Using the “C” Word in Public—(And the “F” Word in this Post)
Warning: This blog contains a lot of the following swears: Fuck and cellulite. I haven’t had a dose of vanity insanity since I had shit put in my chinny chin chin back when I’d first arrived in Los Angeles, home of the overdose of overdone. A Doctor Yummy in Beverly Hills put out a Groupon […]
Bush Waxing: Tips to Get Through Your Fanny’s Forest
August. “Bush, bare or landing strip?” It seems like the most appropriate introductory question to ask a patio of a dozen men and women in their late 30s and 40s, most of whom I’ve just met. I’m at a friend of a friend’s house gathering and am preparing to go to an outdoor music event. […]
A Gamut of Guys—Gama Rays of Rejection OR Why Rejection is Good for You (Me)!
July. I met a great guy recently in my Small Town, who I hung out with for awhile, enjoyed the company of, laughed endlessly with, went on hikes with (well, one hike), had coffee with (thrice), and looked at real estate with (I’m no longer a licenced salesperson, therefore, don’t have a lockbox key, therefore, […]
What Will They Think of Me? Embracing Authenticity
Fuck. There. I’ve said it—or rather written it—a shocking word (in my real estate business circle) that most people who know me as the consummate professional would never (and I do mean never) think I’d ever utter, never mind open with in my first public blog post. (Note: The title of my first blog was […]