Friday: Go to the market, get weekly groceries, all organic: $45. Check. Go to bakery. (It’s a given at this point.) Get a fish taco (finally). Check. Go for a ‘Mayan’ massage—basically a hippy-dippy-chakra-balancing-my-heart-centre-hurts-and-my-legs-are-unshaven-prickly-incence-burning session. Nonetheless, afterwards, I feel pretty good even if my fourth chakra still sucks. Saturday: Bus to Mega store for organic […]
From Bitter Broker to Broke and Happy—The Joy of Simply Waking Up
The other day I’m on my way to a vintage clothing shop (read: second hand), and I see two fellows on the bus bench in front of the shop. They’re obviously homeless as evidenced by their grubby, layered frocks; mangy, matted hair; shopping cart of filthy blankets and extra, oversized army jackets; and the 2 […]
“We will all look at her differently now. Poor Girl.”
Remember the saying about how what you say Says More About You than who you’re talking about (behind her back, no less)? The title of this blog is a direct quote of one of the (very few) judgemental, critical, superior-attitude, I-think-I’m-better-than-you, probably-bible-thumping, stick-inserted-in-uber-tight-ass email replies that was just forwarded to me by a colleague after […]