Boracay Beach, Philippines Blog Seven. I’m walking along the Strip one day, and a man just sort of appears beside me. It happens so naturally that I’m not caught off-guard, and the next thing you know we’ve walked several beach blocks together. He tells me he’s a rug dealer but, with his accent, it sounds […]
Atonement: Love is the Answer
Last week I went to a Marianne Williamson event with my housemate, Mermaid, and another housemate, Sussex. Since Mermaid’s Prius’ backseat (and trunk) were still stocking-stuffer stacked to the brim with the numerous treasures she’s procured to resell at the next antique market, Sussex and I agree to share the passenger seat. I’m on top. […]
Today I’m Kind of Sad. And Fat.
The highlight of my week is the Wednesday Santa Monica Farmers’ Market. It’s really the only place my budget allows me to buy unabashedly; after all, I need to eat, right? Numerous vendors sell everything from chocolate mint to persimmons and to fresh-baked artisan breads, from all manner of cattle (beef, bison, pork) to the […]