Not sure how I’m going to compact a month in Nepal into one blog, but I ams gonna try … I wasn’t going to blog Nepal. This blog—naughtypotty—is a random collection of dark (shady? sketchy? let’s go with kind of pathetic and too personal) comedy skits in narrative format on a screen, and my time […]
Not Fit To Be Tied (Up)
The Art of Shibari Do you want to try it? He asks holding the rope. Sure. I say suppressing an inappropriate giggle. The Art of Shibari * He, a past client from my professional days—back when I was a conservative, button-up-collar, uptight, serious-as-hell Goody Two Shoes—had emailed me these NSFW photos a few months back. […]
Letting Go of the Edge of the Pool aka Damn You, Comfort Zone
A few days ago, I had an “a-ha” moment, one of those light bulb going off in my mind, but more like one of those movie spotlights that showcases some event and criss-crosses in the sky to be seen for miles—only to shine directly in my light-sensitive pupils. The “a-ha” told me, “It’s time,” whereby […]