Brené Brown says that when we share our shame randomly and indiscriminately we’re just looking for attention—and by “we,” I mean “me!” I say, “Shame on shame, baby!” Though, hmm, I’ll admit that some restrictions do apply, namely: if you’re a Peter-file, then maybe there should be some shame there. Or maybe not, I dunno, […]
What’s Wrong With Me??
This Blog Has Nothing To Do With Lesbianism And That’s Why I Changed The Title Y’all. (Just roll eyes and keep reading…) He’s got one latex-gloved finger deep in my mouth and the other stuck in my ear. I mumble something unintelligible, and he pulls his spittle-covered finger out of my mouth with a twist […]
Using the “C” Word in Public—(And the “F” Word in this Post)
Warning: This blog contains a lot of the following swears: Fuck and cellulite. I haven’t had a dose of vanity insanity since I had shit put in my chinny chin chin back when I’d first arrived in Los Angeles, home of the overdose of overdone. A Doctor Yummy in Beverly Hills put out a Groupon […]