Honestly. This happened on Christmas Eve. I understand the studio will be closed for one day people, but your names are on a list for this last [Rock Star Guru] class, there will be room for you without having to push me to get to the front of the line. If this was my first […]
A Letter to My Dad… I Forgive You; I Apologize to You; I Thank You
Hi Dad, or should I call you Henry? It’s been so long I’m not sure how to address you anymore. I was looking at old photos the other day and thought of you. I wonder if you’ll get this, if any of it will register. Will it find you, wherever you are? I wanted to […]
And Then There Was One … As in: Me, As in: Single, Single Here! (As in: Sad sigh.)
After taking a FaceBreak for a month, I go back on social media hub central. As I’m not so inclined to browse through a month’s worth of newsfeed for ‘my closest 400+ best friends,’ I simply jump back in mid-stream. Interestingly, it is true that no one does miss you (me) when you (I) leave […]
Atonement: Love is the Answer
Last week I went to a Marianne Williamson event with my housemate, Mermaid, and another housemate, Sussex. Since Mermaid’s Prius’ backseat (and trunk) were still stocking-stuffer stacked to the brim with the numerous treasures she’s procured to resell at the next antique market, Sussex and I agree to share the passenger seat. I’m on top. […]
Today I’m Kind of Sad. And Fat.
The highlight of my week is the Wednesday Santa Monica Farmers’ Market. It’s really the only place my budget allows me to buy unabashedly; after all, I need to eat, right? Numerous vendors sell everything from chocolate mint to persimmons and to fresh-baked artisan breads, from all manner of cattle (beef, bison, pork) to the […]
What a Woman (This One) Wants in a Man aka Why I Defer to Food
I have a spreadsheet in my purse that I’ve had since 2008. It’s my Dealmakers/Dealbreakers List. Its alphabetized words are faded, scratched out, reassigned, modified and 60 points long, which is reduced from the 100 long that it used to be. The 100-long list is detailed in my memoir. (Preview/buy here.) I’ll include the updated […]
New Prescription: Pork and Port
Mermaid and I go on a road trip to the Ventura Flea Market and then to Ojai, both about a 90-minute drive north of Venice Beach. Being of the eco-friendly nature, she drives a hybrid. Being of the collecting treasures kind, said hybrid is already stacked with former flea market finds: fabrics, blankets, baskets, wall […]
Letting Go of the Edge of the Pool aka Damn You, Comfort Zone
A few days ago, I had an “a-ha” moment, one of those light bulb going off in my mind, but more like one of those movie spotlights that showcases some event and criss-crosses in the sky to be seen for miles—only to shine directly in my light-sensitive pupils. The “a-ha” told me, “It’s time,” whereby […]
Silver Lining Syndrome and The Art of Acceptance OR Hiking with Strange Men
So I’m thinking to myself, “Is this guy a serial killer?” as we travel along the Pacific Coast Highway presumably to a remote (in my mind) hiking destination, me and this man who I just met. Did I mention I’m in the passenger seat of an older van with no windows, no back seats, padded […]
Is Shopping a Form of Meditation? Why, Yes, Yes it Is!
I’m in L.A. living the life of a rock star, that is if that rock star is living in a make-shift tent partitioned off the living room with a curtain in a shared house with three other people and one bathroom with mood lighting. ‘My’ attic space got rented for a 2-week period during the […]