Friday: Go to Spanish class mildly hung over from the shenanigans with Montana Man (see Mexico: Week/Weak One post), which is held at the local gringos elementary school with an earthen-floor playground (as in: compacted dirt; as in: open-air outside). My school room is under a large palapa within the confines of la escuela (the […]
Mexico: Week One aka Weak One (Me)
Checklist: Make sure airplane leaves L.A. right on time—if right on time means Mexican time, which it does, then depart 45 minutes late for no apparent reason. Check. Arrive in Puerto Vallarta airport to 30 degree temperatures (celcius, that equals 85 ish for you U.S.ers) plus humidity wearing jeans and 14 layers of sweaters because […]
Warning: (r)Aging Lady. Aches and Pains and Plaque. Damn It.
I’m laying face down, almost naked save for skimpy skivvies (that be slang for panties). Can you tell my ass isn’t balanced? I ask, lifting my head. Yep, this side is more developed, he confirms. Shit. I knew it. That’s not good for your neck. I put my face down. He continues. It’s not noticeable […]
New Prescription: Red Lipstick & BJs
Mermaid, Tango and I go on a road trip to Ojai. We drive along the Pacific Coastal Highway in his red Mercedes convertible. It’s a balmy day and the top is down, so I hop in the backseat and feel like a six-year old on her way to Disneyland. Mermaid rides shotgun; her curly tresses […]
Warning: This Post Contains Potenially Politically Incorrect Ethncity Discussion. (Oh My!)
A peculiar quirk Americans have: watch-dogging political politeness. Total hypocrisy. I say Americans, as in U.S. inhabitants, because coming from a small, redneck town in Canada, I haven’t had the same experience around this topic. Here’s the polite repertoire of how I’ve heard ethnicity addressed where I’m from: white, black, Asian, East Indian, First Nations, […]
How Veganism and Leafy Greens Messed With My Tresses ~ (ej article).
Alright, I’ll admit the title might be slightly misleading, but only by a hair’s width, and in fact it’s actually sort of true for those of us with hypothyroidism. Here’s the Cliff Notes on the compilation of causes that lead to my follicular failure and limp, wimpy locks… 1. I had a stressful job for […]
Vanity Insanity – Just to be Clear(-Skinned), I am Still Vane
There’s a dichotomy in me. I blame it on TV. Actually, more on TV commercials. And fashion/health/beauty/cosmetic-procedure(!) magazines. And Internet and mannequins in store windows—and my memories of all these things that are indelibly inked in my mind from years of subjecting myself to them. Silly-ass girl. (By the way, if/when you read my memoir, […]
The Five Agreements ~ Don Miguel Ruiz (A Recap)
Do these things and never feel bad again…Simple, if not always easy steps to inner peace. After the last few days of perception mismatches that lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings, I remembered the invaluable lessons from the books of Don Miguel Ruiz. Hope these will help anyone struggling with love, life and relationships! Be […]
I Had a Dream … But You Don’t Have To.
Quick recap: Back in my small town in Canada I was a somebody. I had a high profile career and was very successful at it. After 20 years, many of the last of which were living in burnt out bitterness, I needed to make a change. But, I’d built up such an expectation of excellence […]
30 Days to Wonder Woman – As in: Get Your Capes On, Ladies!
A 30 Day Dump the DUDe Cleanse – How To Reclaim Your Super Power Prowess After Heartbreak I’m no shrink, but I have been through enough relationships to know when it’s time to take a break from break-ups. Whether we’re the one who got ditched or the one doing the dumping, breaking up is Heart […]