I Got A Cat? But Did I, Really? A few weeks ago Alright, fine, she’s not a kitten. And she’s not mine. She’s a neighbour’s 21-year-old calico cat with a stub tail and a sad look of disdain for life. But she does have fleas. I know this because I let her jerk and weave […]
Back-To-School Blues
Back-To-School Blues Even in my 50s, the back-to-school blues assault me. Every year around mid-August, when the crisp fall weather teases its first morning, anxiety sets in, stressed-tinged dreams ensue, and my chest feels tight and closed. This has happened every year for as long as I can remember. When I was school-aged, it was […]
Introvert Survives 6000 Guest Party #TheCup
Me: A Rewrite Update After 10 Years — I’ve Changed (But Not Dressed)
10 Years & Still Exposing Myself In Public (Me: A Rewrite Update) It’s actually been over 10 years since the events I wrote about in my memoir. I was just turning 40 at that time and as of this writing, I’m 52. Fifty-two! When did that happen? Where did all those years go? Why do […]
Almost Famous But Still Hoarding Food
Almost Famous? Nah. “You look familiar,” says my server, the same lady that cleans my room. I wasn’t “familiar” yesterday, so I know someone’s asked her to investigate my identity. The compact breakfast room with uncomfortably close tables has an expansive passthrough allowing a good view of the cheffing activities. There is one head chef […]
We Put Her In The Trunk Where She Was Safer
Dealing With The Dead The six-year anniversary of My Little Mom’s death was yesterday. My half-brother, half-sister, and I decide it’s the right time to finally take Our Little Mom’s ashes down Island to the cemetery to be buried in a plot I bought many moons ago when I was married to Good Man. But […]
Misdiagnosed For TEN YEARS!
OMG, Have I Really Been Misdiagnosed for Ten Years?! Doctors said I had hypothyroidism that evolved into Hashimoto’s Disease but I may have been misdiagnosed! Labs sent to Germany confirm I’ve got low activity Lyme disease and a moderate activity form of Mono, which yes, is embarrassing but you deserve the truth. Both Lyme and […]
Full Circle
Full Circle I bought my condo in Vancouver not long after My Little Mom was diagnosed with what we later found out was terminal cancer but before she showed any signs of illness. At the time, I was in denial and hopeful she’d visit me (from Vancouver Island). But when she said, “Maybe” and tried […]
I Miss Vancouver But…
Well, I Do Miss Vancouver… Shortly after my last blog I decided to potentially (temporarily?) relocate to “The Island.” Vancouver Island. There are plenty of islands on the West Coast of Canada, but those of us who’ve lived here all or most of our lives call Vancouver Island “the island.” Between being ornery about Covid […]
Still Cranky? Me too.
I’m still cranky. I’m allowed to be cranky. Cranky is allowed. I’m human. I’m cranky with the state of the world and all its unfairness and the crankiness it’s causing in so many people. I want to run away and hide in the deep woods but then I’d need Deep Woods mosquito repellant and that […]